Logo of World Surfaris with blue globe background and white text.

Indonesian Surf Travel Specialists!

Indonesian Surf Travel Specialists

  • Surfer walking across rocky beach towards ocean wave, carrying a surfboard.

    We have Indonesia covered from in the North - Banda Aceh Region through out the archipeligo to in the South - Rote Island, Timor. Budgets for everyone. Created by Surfers for Surfers.

Based in Indonesia

With over 25 years experience in Surfing and Surf Travel/Exploration in Indonesia. We know where to go and how to get there. We are located in Indonesia and can help with all arrangements. From All-Inclusive packages, to transfers, airfares. Boat trips or Land Based Trips. And also packages for all standards of Surfers.

NEW OPTIONS: Try our SURF & ADVENTURE add on packages for those that want a bit more out of there Indo Surf Adventure. worldsurfarisindo@gmail.com  

Why book with us?

With over 25 years knowledge and self exploration in these areas. Has helped us to create and choose some of the best Locations and Best Resorts and Boats on offer. Not to mention our impeccable knowledge of Air and Land routes to all these destinations. We are your one stop shop here in Indonesia.

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